In-person services will resume the morning of June 7, 2020, at 11 AM, with doors opening at 10:15. Here are our guidelines:
NCBC Phase 1 Regathering of Church Plan
- Regathering start date Sunday Morning June 7, 2020
- Sunday morning service only in person 11:00 a.m. and livestream, operating at ½ capacity
- Sunday evening service livestream only
- Wednesday night service livestream only
- Only attend the in-person service if you are 100% comfortable in doing so. Those defined as high risk by the CDC are encouraged to stay home and join us on Facebook Live.
- Facebook Live and DVD offerings will continue as normal during each service.
- Upon arriving at church if you have other family members or friends who will be attending you have been socially interacting with please remain in your vehicle and try to enter the church as one group to be seated together.
- Church doors will open promptly at 10:15, not before.
- Facemasks are not required but are highly encouraged.
- The format of the service will remain the same as it has with the past few weeks’ livestream services.
- There will be no Sunday School until Phase 2 regathering implementation.
- There will be no nursery access or children’s church until Phase 2 regathering.
- The fellowship hall and Sunday School rooms are not to be accessed during Phase 1 regathering.
- No outside activities will be booked at the church during Phase 1 regathering.
- Offerings will not be received in the normal way; offering will be received at live service upon exit at the doors and continue to be received via mail/EasyTithe.
- Drive-thru entrance doors will be for handicap members only, all other members will be required to use the front entrance of the church. All other entrances are not to be used and will remain locked.
- Front doors and drive-thru doors will be staffed with ushers to open the door and help you maintain social distancing while waiting to be seated.
- You will be asked by church staff as you enter the building if your temperature can be checked to help ensure the safety of all members.
- Ushers will seat each member/family in a manner that allows for social distancing, do not expect to sit in your normal area of the church, please be patient as we work to keep you and the church body safe.
- After being seated by an usher please remain in your seat until dismissed or if absolutely necessary to use the restroom please return quickly to your seat.
- Families will need to maintain children in attendance with them and assist in keeping them from visiting other families seated in the church.
- Shaking hands and hugging will be strictly prohibited, a Holy Wave will suffice.
- At the close of the service, each pew will be dismissed by the pastor, deacons, or ushers. Please remain seated until your pew is dismissed.
- Upon exiting the church please proceed straight to your vehicle and avoid congregating in the common areas and parking lots.
- Follow CDC guidelines for social distancing at all times when inside and outside of the church.
- The church will be disinfected between live services to help ensure the health and safety of the congregation.
- These guidelines will be monitored and revised as we receive more information on COVID-19 data in our county, surrounding counties, and our local community. While we all want to be back together with our church family our continued concern is keeping the church body safe.