Please help us build a more extensive women’s ministry at Notchey Creek with more options and events. Join our Facebook group (NCBC Women’s Ministry) for updates and notifications on activities and events. What sort of events or groups would you like to see available or are you interested in? Monday Morning Bible Study – held in the spring and autumn. Usually for 6-8 weeks at 11 AM An evening bible study – studying the same book as the Monday morning time, held in the spring and autumn WMU (Women's Missionary Union) – meets the second Sunday of each month at 5 PM Retreat to a women's conference, such as Women of Joy Christian book club – read a Christian-authored or subject book and discuss over lunch Group shopping trip to Hamrick's in Fort Oglethorp, GA – spring and autumn Women's Jail Ministry Is there anything else you would like to be considered? Would you be willing to help in organizing events or groups? Yes No Would it be helpful to you for us to offer babysitting for some events? Yes No Do you have a high school-aged child who could volunteer as a babysitter for an event? Yes No Your Name Street Address City, State, Zip Mobile Phone Your Email Address How do you prefer to be contacted? Text Message (SMS/iMessage) Email Send Δ