Children’s Sunday School
Our Children’s Sunday School is a fun learning experience for children, nursery through preteens. Children develop a strong foundation in faith as our team of leaders bring Bible stories to life. Our leaders also use music, games, crafts and resources to provide teaching and Bible truths in a way kids will understand. Throughout the year, special additional fun-time activities and events are planned for our Children’s Sunday School Department. — Sheri Stephens, Children’s Sunday School Director
Children’s Choir/Kid’s Praise
The Children’s Choir meets each Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. Children enjoy Bible study, learning Biblical truths, singing, playing instruments, hand bells, and fun music games.
TeamKid balances high-energy activities and games with high-impact Bible lessons, Scripture memorization, and life application. TeamKid meets each Wednesday night at 7:00 pm.
Vacation Bible School
VBS is one of the greatest opportunities we have to reach children each year. Children are introduced to Jesus during this fun time each summer. Many children invite their friends for a fun-filled week of learning about Jesus. Vacation Bible School is held each year in June.