Since January 1995, we’ve recorded most of our Sunday morning and evening messages on video. We intend to preserve these in a digital library that can be viewed, searched, and referenced as desired. This is a work in progress.
Short version:
- Recent Videos: Facebook Live
- Older Videos: YouTube Channel (see playlists)
- Sermon Notes: limited coverage here
- Cemetery Records: Old Cemetery (Find A Grave) and New Cemetery (Find A Grave)
Recent Videos (December 2016 to present)

Our first live broadcast was on December 18, 2016, using Facebook Live and a webcam connected to a laptop. We’ve come a long way since then, but this is the first high-definition broadcast, and although it was a proof-of-concept test, it effectively kicked off our streaming ministry. Although we have archives of these videos, the easiest way to find them is on our Notchey Creek Baptist Church Facebook page. We started with 720p (a Facebook requirement at the time) and moved to 1080p in early 2019. In January 2018, we moved from the laptop with a webcam to a multi-camera setup, allowing us to capture a combination of shots, such as wide-angle and zoomed-in shots for special music and preaching.
In July 2022, we began broadcasting on YouTube, which provided better quality and the ability to watch the service on a smart TV, which was especially important once Facebook removed their app. We encourage watchers to subscribe to receive notifications when we go live and post each service’s link on Facebook. We have since received feedback from several viewers indicating a preference for YouTube over Facebook.
In November 2023, we removed the last of our prosumer cameras (the ones that look like small camcorders), replacing them with PTZ cameras that can be controlled with a joystick. These allow us to change camera views much more easily, synchronize color settings, and increase picture quality, making the videos more enjoyable.
Near History (circa 2010 to December 2016)
In this recording era, we recorded standard-definition video to a DVD recorder. Although the quality was slightly higher due to the digital format, DVDs also face organic degradation, so these are being copied to a more modern storage method. Some of these have been copied to our YouTube channel in a playlist called “Sermon Videos,” and more may be added in the future.

Distant History (January 1995 – 2010)
Our video ministry began around January 1995 when the new sanctuary was dedicated and began being used, starting with revival services. In those early days, the master recording was made to VHS tapes, followed by DVDs in the early 2000s. In 2019, we began digitizing the VHS recordings to hard drives for long-term storage. We will slowly add some of these videos to our Archive playlists on our YouTube channel, starting with a 1995 archive playlist. We have been capturing data into a searchable database for our digital library so things like who led the choir, sang special music, preached, baptized, and was saved could be searched for. This seems the most efficient way to provide value to you without uploading almost 2,000 raw videos.

Ancient History (pre-1995)
Sorry if that makes us feel old, but digitally speaking, anything before 1995 is ancient. We’re told there are old videos and maybe even some reel-to-reel recordings in private collections. We don’t have any of those now, but if you know how we can see them, PLEASE contact us! We would love to digitize a copy to share with the community and preserve the recording.
We may have a few boxes of old audio recordings; if so, we will, of course, digitize those.
How can I see an old archive video?
If you want to request a specific date, please send us a note, and we’ll try to digitize it and upload it so you can view the video online.
Cemetery Records
Your best bet for researching cemetery records right now is Find A Grave. They have a website and a mobile app. We’re not affiliated with them, but they claim to have photographs of more than 80% of memorials, and their database is searchable.
There are two cemeteries. The old cemetery has over 640 650 memorials. It is located on Cemetery Rd behind the church. Burials began there in the 1800s. The new cemetery has over 260 295 304 memorials. It is located across Highway 68 from the church, next to the convenience store.